Casey & Saxon Foster become Freemen of the City of London

16 December 2022


On the 2nd December 2022, Casey and Saxon Foster were shown into the Chamberlain’s Court by the Court’s Beadle and in front of their proud parents, Liveryman Wg Cdr Fozzie Foster and his wife Donna.

Family, friends and Plaisterers were invited by the Clerk of the Chamberlain’s Court to read aloud the declaration of a Freeman of the City of London. Both then signed the Freedom’s Declaration Book, followed by the presentation of their framed Freedom Certificates and yes that little red book, containing The Rules of Conduct of Life. The Chamberlain’s Clerk then extended her right hand of fellowship and greeted Casey and Saxon as citizens of London.

Whilst this ancient ceremony remains the same for everyone, the Chamberlain’s Clerk personalised the occasion with memorabilia and antidotes, recognising the uniqueness of two youthful sisters becoming Freemen in a joint ceremony.

Casey and Saxon obtained their freedoms as a right having successfully completed their 5-year livery apprenticeships, with the Worshipful Company of Plaisterers, serving their Masters - the Deputy Master Margaret Coates for Casey and Liveryman Fozzie Foster for Saxon.

Casey became a Freeman of our Company in July 2020 and Saxon in July 2022. Both embrace livery life and are a credit to their proud parents and wonderful ambassadors for our Company.

In 2014 the Company re-introduced apprenticeships - not a trade related apprenticeship, but a way of introducing young people aged between 14 to 21, with an existing connection with the Company, to the Worshipful Company of Plaisterers, its traditions and customs and provide a pathway to membership.

Freemen are admitted to livery companies by one of three procedures; patrimony, redemption or servitude. Servitude is a very dated concept, but means service. The Company adopted the rules of the Court of Aldermen for recognising livery apprenticeships and by doing so obtained a pathway for apprentices to become Freemen of the City of London. Members are encouraged to consider introducing younger family members to the Company through the apprenticeship route. You will find it a very rewarding experience.

Please extend your right hand of fellowship when meeting up with Casey and Saxon at future livery events.